Friday 26 August 2022

[REVIEW] SUFFERING - Temen​-​Ni​-​Gru (11​:​11) EP [2022] Matriarch Records

Suffering’s latest four-track EP takes inspiration from Devil May Cry Temen-Ni-Gru” being the unholy tower that harbours the true gateway to the demon world.

Opener “The Faceless Disciples of the Watch” is the longest track and for the majority is slow and purposeful but embedded into this are primal and grief-laden screams from Vocalist Sturmgeist Fornicator Insultus.

The pace then erupts into the maniacal title track “Temen-Ni-Gru” which would not be out of place on Darkthrone’s “Transylvanian Hunger – short, raw, and furious. Continuing with the frenzied gears of madness is “Cloven Hoof” which from start to end is a cacophony of terror.

 The final part of the EP concludes with the doom-laden “Blood” and adds another dynamic into the sound which within the context of the EP’s subject fits incredibly well. The tones that run throughout this release are dark, dense & extremely captivating.

A Great concept delivered effectively.


Check out Suffering’s Bandcamp here

Review by Rick Eaglestone.

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[REVIEW] LOLTH - Grimoire EP [2022] Cult of Oblivion

  Band: LOLTH | Release: GRIMOIRE | Label: CULT of OBLIVION | Genre: EXP BLACK METAL Year: 2022 | Location: WASHINGTON D.C. | Reviewer...