Thursday 1 September 2022


Oakenthrone is a brand new one man Black Metal band from the UK with a killer debut demo available to stream and download. Here is a short interview to introduce and discover what Oakenthrone is all about.

Greetings, and thank you for answering a few questions. First off, can you introduce me to Oakenthrone? Your mission statement, where you are from, one man band or full band?

Oakenthrone is a predominantly Black Metal project hailing from Greater Manchester, England. Writing and recording wise it is a one man band, yes. There's no mission statement particularly; this is my creative outlet and has been living the last few years in the planning stages. I decided now was the time to get recording, and get it out there.

I've listened to your debut demo a few times now. Just the two songs, a nice way to introduce yourself. What are your thoughts on 'Blood Moon' now it's completed?

I think overall the Blood Moon demo has turned out as I'd hoped. I had considered waiting until I had more finished tracks, but I think these two give a good representation of the sound that I am looking for.

Can you tell me what musical influences are being channelled into Oakenthrone?

There are many musical influences I channel into this. I've worked on finding a style that I hope lends itself to being able to show different, less obvious influences into the style of Black Metal I play. I don't shy away from the early Amon Amarth influences in the first track, for instance. The second track I wanted a more brutal sound. Don't be surprised to hear other influences, such as Thrash, Folk  etc, creep their way into future works. 

Is Oakenthrone a form of escapism for you, or do you let real world influences, events and situations creep into your lyrics?

It is certainly escapism, yes. Lyrically, this is very much dark fantasy, Lovecraftian influences, eldritch horror. I think we are living in an age where we aren't short of bad news and you don't need me to remind you of that.

Speaking of your lyrics, is there a concept running through both songs or do they stand alone as individual tracks?

Thematically these are standalone tracks, yes. Other than the general grim overtones, there's no real link.

Will Oakenthrone be taking to a stage anytime soon? What plans for a live setting are there?

I do plan to play some shows in the future. I have a little more music I want to get out first, then will be on the hunt for live members.

Is Oakenthrone a side project of any other bands, or your sole focus musically?

Oakenthrone is my sole project at the moment. No other bands in the pipeline. I used to have a band called Acral Necrosis. We disbanded around 10 years ago and this is my first foray back into music since!

What can we expect next from Oakenthrone? Is there another release in the pipeline? Also have you been looking out for a label to collaborate with?

There will be more releases soon! Certainly at least one more demo in the next few weeks, and then I will see what happens from there. I've not been looking for labels. I've just been concentrating on writing and recording and will go from there!

Can you tell me about the thinking behind the artwork and who designed it?

For the art I actually had it AI generated! At the moment this is very much a DIY project and the only thing I have had commissioned was the logo (by BlackUpheaval). For any non-demo releases I will of course have a human do it for me.

Thanks for answering my questions. I'll let you have the final words.

Thank you.  

Click HERE to listen to the amazing debut demo 'Blood Moon'

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