Sunday 18 September 2022

[REVIEW] LOLTH - Grimoire EP [2022] Cult of Oblivion


Band: LOLTH | Release: GRIMOIRE | Label: CULT of OBLIVION | Genre: EXP BLACK METAL Year: 2022 | Location: WASHINGTON D.C. | Reviewer: LUKE HAYHURST

This year has been a very productive one for a gentleman by the name of Lolth, whose new Experimental Black Metal project has put out five releases so far, 'Grimoire' being the middle release of the five. Opening with a haunting slice of dark ambiance entitled 'Celestia', Lolth then trundles into the mid paced simplified drum beats and guitar leads of 'Ars Goetia', which soon expands into tremolo picking and harsh, cavernous growls. Also in the mix are some early Iron Maiden style rhythms and a fair amount of soaring atmospheric synth work as what started out as a standard yet enjoyable piece of music turns into a cauldron of influences and styles all stirred together to form and intricate and expansive sound that never sits still for long. 

'Grimoire' ends with the fast paced and more aggressive leanings of 'Arson of Eden', a more orthodox and Satanic slice of Black Metal fare that never the less ends the EP on a solid footing. This is a tidy little EP, one I myself can quite happily listen to again and again, with impressive time signature charges throughout and heavily melodic guitar leads taking centre stage.


[REVIEW] LOLTH - Grimoire EP [2022] Cult of Oblivion

  Band: LOLTH | Release: GRIMOIRE | Label: CULT of OBLIVION | Genre: EXP BLACK METAL Year: 2022 | Location: WASHINGTON D.C. | Reviewer...