Thursday 25 August 2022

[REVIEW] DOMINION OF ASHES - Wretched EP [2022] Self-Released

Dominion of Ashes are a modern sounding Death Metal band from the Steel City of Sheffield, and this year has seen them unleash their debut EP, entitled simply 'Wretched'. Consisting of four brutal tracks and being adorned by impressive atmospheric cover art, I had high hopes going into this release.

Things kick off instantaneously with a savage wall of double kick pedal drumming and darkened ravenous guitar leads, as well fierce grunts, and harrowing growls from front man Lee Dunger, whose vocal style allows for the majority of his lyrics to be clearly audible despite the ferocity in which he delivers them. Opening track 'Phoenix' features some slower, intensive and brooding guitar melodies and well as an almost Death/Doom crushing dual barrage of drums and bass play. 

Moving swiftly into the damaging full frontal attack of 'The Night Mirror, and the same deathly growls remain but are accompanied by a more strained/raw vocal style that puts me in mind of 'Nothing Remains' era Chimaira of all things! The apocalyptic pummelling of 'End of Life' is another brutal slab of no nonsense bulldozing Death Metal and again the drumming display is colossal and ear bleedingly loud. Add to that the furious break downs and menacingly low growls to see the song out, which showcase Dominion of Ashes at their heaviest! 

If the latter track was the band at their heaviest, then EP finale 'This Wretched Human' is them at their most chaotic. In truth this one has a couple of brief spells where the cohesion and flow is lost, as drums, riffs and vocals combine poorly and feel mistimed, but it's a couple of fleeting moments in what is an impressive debut release, one I recommend you experience. (Luke Hayhurst)

To listen to 'Wretched', click HERE!

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[REVIEW] LOLTH - Grimoire EP [2022] Cult of Oblivion

  Band: LOLTH | Release: GRIMOIRE | Label: CULT of OBLIVION | Genre: EXP BLACK METAL Year: 2022 | Location: WASHINGTON D.C. | Reviewer...