Saturday 27 August 2022

[REVIEW] FLESH CRUSHER - Bastardized Demo / Demonic Possession Demo [2022] Self-Released

Recently I have noticed the emergence of a one man Death Metal project from Gothenburg, Sweden with a far more Stockholm based sound, and 2022 has been a busy year to date for Count P.von Nekrotik and his drum machine Lord Battery S. Domination the Second, with the release of not one but two demo releases under the moniker of Flesh Crusher.

First up is the Bastardized Demo whose four tracks contain deathly rumbling growls, fuzz laden guitar leads and a drumming sound that you can't necessarily tell is a machine from listening to it. Plus, you have the added bonus of the old school cassette cover artwork to go with the savagery of the old school Death Metal sound. Impressive also is the crushing bass tones and filthy production which co-exist cohesively with a dominant riff-age display. The demo's last track 'Putrefaction Prevails' is by far the strongest track with a more intensive/abrasive style as well as being more expansive with the guitar leads. It's a simple demo in truth, and all four tracks offer up pretty much the same formula, and yet at just under fifteen minutes this never feels stale and leaves you wanting another dose, which leads me on to...

...the 'Demonic Possession' Demo, and this time things start with a cool little 80's horror synth intro
before kicking into 'Ghouls of Endless Hunger' which demonstrates clear progression in both sound and technique as the pace is slowed down, the guitar leads are more brooding in tone and when the pace picks back up for the demo title track 'Demonic Possession', there is a heavier feel to the riffs and drumming as well as a catchier sound and even a very well executed bass solo thrown in for good measure. And it's the flicking between faster/ravenous sounds and slower, more monolithic riffs that makes the title track the strongest on the demo. 

Both demo releases are impressive and have a full band feel to them rather than a one man project, and as you'd hope for the second demo is by far the stronger and highlights real progression in every department. (Luke Hayhurst)

To listen to the two demo releases give this link a click HERE!

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[REVIEW] LOLTH - Grimoire EP [2022] Cult of Oblivion

  Band: LOLTH | Release: GRIMOIRE | Label: CULT of OBLIVION | Genre: EXP BLACK METAL Year: 2022 | Location: WASHINGTON D.C. | Reviewer...