Saturday 3 September 2022

[REVIEW] INTENT - Exile [2022] Self Release


Location: ARIZONA, USA
Release: EXILE
Year: 2022

Blink and you could miss half an album! That's how obliteratingly fast and manic the new album from Ameri-thrashers Intent feels. Entitled simply 'Exile', this is the Arizona quartet's second album and follows on from 2018's debut offering 'Vox Populi'. Featuring eight brutal and mauling tracks, Intent certainly live up to their name.

Opening with the explosive machine gun drumming and furious staccato riff-age of 'Victims of Conquest', complete with rampaging guitar leads and mesmerizing guitar solos, Intent offer up a steamy hot broth of modern sounding, carnage strewn Thrash that outright slays from start to finish. The title track 'Exile' is simply put, crushing. A cacophony of violent drums, punishing bass play and gnarly guitar tones, and the vocals? Pure Thrash, what more can you say? Well, I'd compare the vocals to the Slayer end of Thrash rather than Exodus! If you crave a little more groove in your Thrash then 'Primal Instinct' is your boy! Still mind bendingly heavy, with some simply crushing riffs, this track does weave a little melodic magic as well as having a punchy chorus that will have fists raised and lyrics being shouted loud when played live.

As an album in it's entirety 'Exile' is one of the most unrelenting Thrash attacks you'll hear this year. It simply never comes up for air and the savage heavy artillery bombardment laid down by Intent is all consuming. 


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[REVIEW] LOLTH - Grimoire EP [2022] Cult of Oblivion

  Band: LOLTH | Release: GRIMOIRE | Label: CULT of OBLIVION | Genre: EXP BLACK METAL Year: 2022 | Location: WASHINGTON D.C. | Reviewer...