Tuesday 30 August 2022

[REVIEW] OAKENTHRONE - Blood Moon Demo [2022] Self Released

Oakenthrone are a brand new Black Metal project hailing from the UK, and 'Blood Moon' is their brand new debut two track demo.

Opening track 'Summoning the Tyrant' reminds me of what Amon Amarth would sound like if they ditched the Viking stuff and suddenly played Black Metal, at least in terms of song structure and also guitar tone. (Also the vocals a little bit) It's a word used to death these days but there is an epic feel to this song, as the guitar rhythms and the song-writing in general, and this too links in to the Amon Amarth influence. If there is one thing that the Swedish giants got right all the way through their earlier albums it was how to make a song sound and feel like a saga. 'Summoning the Tyrant' is exactly the same in that respect but with a darker sound to the melodies, and a far more grim tone to the vocals. Also, blast-beats, those swedes don't often go in for the those! 

To close, 'Cult of the Dragon Kin' is far more of a Black Metal beast with a colder tone to the guitar leads, subtle cleaner interludes and then furious bouts of blast-beat led chaos as the taps are fully opened on the brutality, and melody gives way to brute force. A far more intense sounding track, 'Cult' flicks back and forth between raging savagery and grinding melody throughout and ends this deeply enjoyable demo powerfully. Also, that artwork!! (Luke Hayhurst)

Have a listen to this demo by clicking HERE!

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[REVIEW] LOLTH - Grimoire EP [2022] Cult of Oblivion

  Band: LOLTH | Release: GRIMOIRE | Label: CULT of OBLIVION | Genre: EXP BLACK METAL Year: 2022 | Location: WASHINGTON D.C. | Reviewer...